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Gativus Network

Is a technical implementation of a biological neural network based on certain principles:

  • Network nodes are always part of some group and can create groups themselves. The level of the group determines the level of abstraction in the network;
  • Relationships between nodes are established not only with nodes but also with specific components of the nodes;
  • Nodes have an object-process nature and can act both as purely object-oriented and purely process-oriented;
Нейро-подобная GATN, как аналог биологической нейросети

Nodes under the Gativus Network GATN exist as network instances or NDDI's(Network Digital Domain Instance) with unique global identification, and with virtual network relationships NERA established between the components of the nodes.

At this time, each NDDI has a unique name (IPv6 address), while its components have names in the node space and are grouped into functional groups, of which currently 6 have been identified::

  • Information;
  • Behaviors;
  • Group Policies;
  • Structure;
  • Network Behaviors/Targets;
  • External Communications.

To establish a Relation - a component may have one or more point of connection POCN. Between two connection points of the same type of component, a specific relationship can be established for this functional group.

The viability of an NDDI from the moment of its creation is ensured by the Gativus Edge device or GATE, which acts as a gateway between the Gativus Network GANT and the existing Internet (IPv6). The GATE device provides the creation of NDDI's, the establishment of relationships, and the node's means to exist throughout its lifetime, which is not limited.